Arthritis Today Magazine is out! It hit major bookstores in late February and you can find it on magazine racks in many drug and grocery stores nationwide.
I am very grateful to Arthritis Today and the team who helped get my story published. It's an honor to share with others who suffer autoimmune disease or arthritis pain some of the ways I've learned to cope.
The article's focus on "Walking as Therapy" is one of the ways I maintain a positive attitude.
Walking can help us get and keep a good mood. There is something about being out in nature that enhances our appreciation for life.
Some of the benefits in walking include weight loss, lower blood pressure, and stress relief which can often lower inflammation and pain.
If walking is too painful, a warm water pool helps tremendously, and water aerobics are excellent to get your heart rate up while being kind to tender joints.
Stress plays a large part in my flares, so anytime I can get out and release pent up emotions by exercising it helps relieve the symptoms.
For those who can't find the magazine or would like to have a copy to share with loved ones here's a direct link.
While writing my book I will continue answering email and comments as time permits. Thank you for your patience and support, you're each one an inspiration to me and my efforts.
"Good Health to You"
Please join me on twitter at RASupport and on Facebook at
Rheumatoid Arthritis Support.
© Copyright 2010 Sandy Guerriere. All Rights Reserved.
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10 years ago
"Walking as Therapy" is an outstanding article that describes one woman's strength and courage in battling rheumatoid arthritis. Most never know how bravely Sandy Guerriere fights against this terrible illness on a daily basis. "Sometimes you just have to take charge," she said in the Arthritis Today article. That is exactly what she does. Most importantly, she shares what she learns in her battle against RA so that others may benefit. She simply believes that it's vital that people with RA become more informed. And by doing just that, she has become an inspiration - and a role model - to so many across the country.
I have a cute story for you....
Mati my 8 yr old daughter who has JRA took the Arthritis today magazine to school for show and tell....
She read the article and told the class all about you and RA!
She told the class that her mommy told to Sandy about her in an e-mail and she wrote back.....
All the kids in the class thought that was awesome.......
Congrats on the article and the book...I look forward to reading the book! I just found your blog today and I can't wait to read the previous posts .. I have taken a different path with my RA also. I started minocycline two weeks ago along with a gluten free diet and already I feel much better.
I read this recently in my doctor's office, I can't believe that's you! Great job, you look amazing! Stay strong :)
With out the meds. my hands swell to bad. Sometimes I get so scared the pain will come back, I just cant work with the pain. My children depend on my income. Sometimes I just get so depressed, thinking about it. How long can you take the meds. before they mess up your liver or something. I need a support group I can go to does any one know of any, in West Oklahoma?
I was diagnosed with Crohn's, ankylosing spondylitis, and rheumatoid arthritis 16 years ago. When I read your article and saw that you have a support blog, I thought it would be a great place to get support from others who are walking the same road. Some days it's so overwhelming and hard that it's tough to keep putting one foot in front of the other. Other days it seems easier to accept. I don't believe that pity parties ("Oh dear my life is over because I have RA") help with coping but feel that if you can keep a positive attitude ("Okay, I have RA, what can I do to make the most of each day?") you will cope much better. Having said that, I also realize how difficult that can be at times. How do you explain to someone the toll that RA/AS exact on you when you realize that in 16 years, you've only had a handful of days where the pain wasn't intense, where you are constantly having to adjust to new limitations, and where the only predictable thing in your life is that arthritis is unpredictable? It's a tough assignment but I have found my relationship with God has strengthened and He gives me the courage to face each day, whatever that might look like. It is tough but possible to still have a life with meaning in spite of the limitations that arthritis imposes on your life. I look forward to enjoying support of others on this blog.
Hi! I just found your blog. I was diagnosed with RA four years ago. I also led and still lead a (modified) active life. This is great! I'm blogging my own workouts though I just barely started. I will add you to my list!
I just found your blog and I'm looking forward to reading more. I've been recently diagnosed with RA after having the symptoms for 9 yrs. I could sure use some support now that it's getting worse.
I don't think I would have any problem walking if I could do it on the beach every day, but here...well, not as fun or comfortable. I gotta do something though!
Thanks for such an informative blog!!!
Jenpa xx
My grandma has her arthritis for a year now and good thing she is still fine, we share some jokes and we travel from one place to another for her to forget her arthritis even just a couple of days. The magazine says to us that no matter what we have right now whether we have diseases or whatever it is, we still enjoy each moments and cherish it forever.
I suffer from severe arthritis, and at times the only thing I can feel besides pain is helplessness. I wonder if Arthritis Today is still published? That would definitely be something I'd love to check out. Another great resource I found was And I agree that walking does help. But I also love the warm pool exercise idea too. Hope to hear more from you in the future! This seems like a wonderful blog.
I am just over halfway thru my 60th year and was just diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis. In January I was experiencing stiffness in my hands and random muscle spasms moving between my arms and shoulders and then I suffered a major attack of Hives. At that time my doctor gave me a prescription for prednisone, which stopped the hives and really fixed everything. I felt 20 years younger in a matter of days. Within a month after that the hands started getting stiff again, and soon were keeping me awake at night with unexpected pains and spasms. On my doctor's advice I went to a rheumatologist, and discovered that I have RA. It was really quick to take over. If I had symptoms before this year, they were minor...
I read and loved a great job thank you very much
Very informative post about arthritis and I can feel that I can definitely get arthritis cure after reading your posts.
Thanks a lot again.
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Drink enough water. Water makes up 70 percent of the cartilage in joints and helps keep them lubricated so bones don't rub up against each other. Be sure to get eight cups a day.
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Arthritis-your complete exercise guide. You can fight back against Arthritis. This blog provides you with a safe and sensible exercise programs that will help you reduce the adverse effects of arthritis and improve your overall fitness. Arthritis patient will find this blog to be invaluable. This blog target flexibility, strength, and aerobic activities most beneficial to people with arthritis.
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Treatment can help make RA more manageable by addressing symptoms and protecting against long-term damage. Treatments include medications, surgery and lifestyle changes.
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